Philanthropy, Purpose, & Professional Development


While the dialogue frequently centers around how workplace volunteer programs help bolster organizations’ reputational brand, the effects on those who participate have been unclear. This matters if employers want to attract and retain talent, and better ensure a quality on-the-job experience. Workplace volunteer programs can transform individuals as they develop, strengthen and apply skills through “give back” opportunities. This global study across five countries examined what those skills are, who participates and why, and if and how volunteerism truly boosts employees’ engagement.

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  1. Identification of the kinds of skills that organizations can help their employees develop and strengthen by offering volunteer opportunities
  2. An understanding of how workplace volunteer programs influence employees’ job satisfaction, morale and sense of engagement with their employer
  3. Clarity about the causes that matters most to different generations of workers so that organizations thoughtfully design volunteer opportunities



Ramona Schindelheim, Editor-In-Chief, WorkingNation

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