8 Keys To Teacher Sustainability


This objective of this session is to provide educators and leaders with a framework for teacher sustainability to improve the overall well-being of educators and teacher retention.

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  1. Structure- Educators must find fulfillment in their role and prioritize their overall health and wellness, creating a solid foundation for the work.
  2. Systems- The educator must intentionally plan routines and systems coupled with appropriate boundaries to create goals for themselves.
  3. Security-The educator must create a community of people who support their development goals and uphold themselves to their commitment to themselves.


  • D’Essence Grant, Manager of Professional Learning and Talent Programs, Emotional Wellbeing and Life Coach, KIPP Texas, inTEACHional


D’Essence Grant, Manager of Professional Learning and Talent Programs, Emotional Wellbeing and Life Coach, KIPP Texas, inTEACHional

Meta Information:

  • Tags: sustainability, wellness
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Health & Wellbeing
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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