Fighting Book Bans with Your Union


The political climate in the world today has everyone on their toes about what can or cannot be taught in schools or be found in books. We spent 1.5 years fighting an internal book ban and won, resulting in education and policy change. During this fight, we learned so many things, but mostly we learned how your union can help and why you should utilize them. We want to give people a guide on how to utilize their union or how to organize around these complex book banning and teaching issues.

Related Media


  1. What is a book ban? We all might think we know, but do we really know what constitutes a book ban?
  2. How and why you should involve your union or organize around an action? And what do you do if you cannot.
  3. What board policy should be in place to protect you and how to advocate for the change.



Hannah Green, Library Media Specialist, Columbus Education Association

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