Higher Education M&A


College and university mergers and acquisitions will continue to accelerate as financial difficulties mount due to shifting demographics in a post-pandemic environment. In the Spring of 2024, a small liberal arts college specializing in performing arts and struggling with liquidity and enrollment issues announced a merger with a multi-national private research university system. Hear from the board chair and president of the acquired institution and their advisors on the transaction on how to prepare for, negotiate, and execute a higher education M&A transaction.

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  1. An understanding of the changing economic landscape higher education institutions are facing and how M&A can help institutions address them
  2. How an M&A transaction can help a higher education institution achieve its mission and goals while preserving its history and legacy
  3. What steps to take to prepare for, negotiate, and execute a higher education M&A transaction



Will Cunningham, Director, Alvarez & Marsal

Meta Information:

  • Tags: market trends, partnerships
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Leadership for Tomorrow
  • Session Focus Area Higher Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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