Maker Educator Meet Up: Agency by Design


Calling all makers! Whether you’re in a classroom, makerspace, fablab, museum, library, or just maker-curious, join us for this Maker-Centered meetup. Two historic maker communities, Agency by Design Pittsburgh and Oakland, are joining forces to share tools, practices, and stories. Connect with us for maker-centered fun, whether you prefer low-tech, high-tech, or anything in-between. This open-ended experience offers choose-your-own-adventure options to tinker, design, and forge new friendships in the vibrant maker-sphere. Together we have a unique opportunity to connect and build community!

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  1. Learn about the histories of Agency by Design Pittsburgh and Oakland, while connecting with other like-minded people to grow the network of makers.
  2. Share and receive new tools, resources, ideas, and stories from colleagues within the field of maker education and leadership.
  3. Crowdsource new resources to be shared while expanding on the concept of making and maker-centered learning.



Jeff Evancho, Director of Partnerships and Equity, Northgate School District

Meta Information:

  • Tags: STEM & STEAM, teachers
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Meet Up
  • Track: Teaching & Learning
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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