Oil Futures & Option Markets: The “Message from Markets"
One of the fascinating roles energy prices serve is to convey quantitative information about ongoing events. I propose a discussion of how energy prices convey information about current events, how they quantify the different crises – geopolitical and economic – which we encounter, and how they permit contrasts with other crises. This essential role of quantifying the depth and intensity of any given crisis may be termed the “Message from Markets.” in which financial theory proves useful, practical and applicable.
Other Resources / Information
My presentation slides are available upon request, but they are far more than 300 characters and so cannot be uploaded here.
- How do energy prices quantify depth and intensity geopolitical and economic crises
- What do futures prices tell us, and what do option prices tell us
- How is financial theory useful in understanding the "Message from Markets"
- Ehud I. Ronn, Prof. of Finance, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Ehud I. Ronn, Prof. of Finance, The University of Texas at Austin
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