SXSW 2025
Build a High-Performance, Last 8% Culture
What is at the heart of high performance is culture. Unfortunately, most leaders misunderstand culture; they believe culture exists across the organization; it doesn’t. It exists primarily on teams. Second, they see culture as something that should be owned by the CEO and CHRO, believing it is their job to build the culture across the organization; it isn’t. Most CEO’s and CHRO’s get so overwhelmed when they think of tackling culture, that they avoid it and allow culture to be built haphazardly, which means that good people leave, and goals are not met.
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Other Resources / Information
- What the two pillars of a high performing culture are: High Connection (psychological safety) and High Courage (ability to do hard things skillfully).
- How to build the culture on their team with our proprietary approach of Model & Own + specific tools to connect and coach their people.
- How to influence & engage others who are at a distance and create the conditions to keep the best and brightest.
- JP (John Paul) Pawliw-Fry, Co-Founder & Keynote Speaker, Institute for Health and Human Potential - IHHP
Adrian Rasiff, Marketing Manager, Institute for Health and Human Potential - IHHP
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