Bridge Academies for People with Disabilities


IT help des staff is increasingly hard for companies to come by. Bridge academies provide a non-traditional path for people with disabilities to obtain employable, in-demand skills to fill these jobs and set them on a path to lifelong careers in the IT industry. Participants earn Industry certifications that help prepare them to fill these jobs and employers benefit by having access to an untapped talent pool of trained IT workers. The panel will explore how the model can be deployed by employers and create a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplace.

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  1. Companies that hire people with disabilities often experience lower turnover, less employee errors, and higher productivity.
  2. The program is designed to be accessible to people with disabilities, adapting to the needs of participants to ensure their success.
  3. Bridge academies is a stepping stone to Registered Apprenticeship Programs and other entry level jobs.



Ramona Schindelheim, Editor-In-Chief, WorkingNation

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