Learning from Women of Color to Get Childcare Right


The childcare system is broken. Home-based providers have empty seats, while working parents cannot find the care they need. We can have the durable and dynamic childcare system our society demands by focusing on innovations that support parents with shift jobs and connect them to the incumbent care force. Kelly Escobar from Robin Hood Foundation will be moderating a panel featuring Jaime-Jin Lewis, Wiggle Room CEO and #Care100 Most Influential People, Ruth Horry, the engagement and access manager for United for Brownsville, and Kaereathea Boyd, owner and operator of Kaye’s Cubs LLC.

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  1. A clear understanding of the challenges accessing childcare for poor and working class parents
  2. A first-hand account of the critical role of, as well as joys and pain points facing, a Family Child Care business owner in serving their community.
  3. A run through of our human-centered solutions that leverage technology to increase access to childcare and stabilize and grow childcare programs.



Owen Meehan, Operations And Special Projects Manager, Wiggle Room

Meta Information:

  • Tags: child development, social justice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Community Initiatives
  • Session Focus Area Early Learning
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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