The Mostly True Story of a Woman, a Puppet, & a Community
La Befana’s Gift-The Mostly True Story of a Woman, a Puppet, and a Community is a solo show written by and starring Dina Gregory–a Italian American classroom teacher who discovers her place in the world after spending the pandemic bringing a character from ancient Italian folklore to life in the streets of New York. La Befana’s Gift addresses the intersection of personal, cultural, and societal narratives, the messiness of our complex identities, our longing for belonging, and the power of imagination, puppetry, laughter, & community to transform trauma into triumph
Other Resources / Information
- Though the world today can be depressing and make us feel powerless, we each have the power to create hope and change right from where we are
- The healing of our schools, communities, and our society begins with healing ourselves
- Storytelling & puppetry can bridge the gap between Self and Other, and pave the way for our development as individuals and as a culture.
- Dina Gregory, Teacher/Storyteller/Podcast Host, La Befana's Table
Dina Gregory, Teacher, Storyteller, & Podcast Host, La Befana's Table
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