A Power to Empower: Social Media to Share the Why


As the world of work continues to evolve, traditional school systems are rethinking their relevance & how they can help students thrive in the age of automation. This has created a breeding ground for disruption & innovation, with a number of alternative methods for learning emerging. The panelists will discuss how a change in today’s social and career landscape has democratized the opportunity for everyone to articulate “why” & share their personal narrative with audiences across the globe.

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  1. Understand the ramifications of the collapsing of a century-old educational model for teachers and school leaders
  2. Develop strategies, identify resources, and build partnerships to support teachers’ initiatives outside of the traditional school environment
  3. Discover how to leverage today’s social and digital landscape to communicate, empower, and advance teachers, students, and school leaders' “Why”



Ai Zhang, Edupreneur, Classroom Without Walls

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