SXSW 2020

Russians Are Coming! Is Our Cyber Long Night Here?


Will liberal democracy be undone by its own technological creations? U.S. adversaries use technology to enhance their economic and military power. 5G, IoT and artificial intelligence promise to make the U.S. and its allies more dependent on the digital ecosystem, while providing threat actors with even more vectors for attack. Jim Baker, former General Counsel of the FBI, and Ellen Nakashima of the Washington Post discuss the federal government's capacity to adequately protect Americans against hostile cyber actions...and whether recovery is possible in the case of a worst case scenario. Join Jim and Ellen as they explore what sorts of security measures (encryption, zero-trust networks, supply chain auditing) the federal government needs to implement to mitigate the risk of cyber conflict.

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  1. Who are the main cyber threat actors the United States needs to be worried about?
  2. Is the federal government's current approach to cybersecurity sufficient to deter and defend against hackers?
  3. What are the most crucial cybersecurity strategies government agencies, businesses and individuals can implement to protect themselves?



Kathryn Waldron, National Security and Cyber Security Fellow, R Street Institute

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Government & Politics
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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