Media Arts Can Transform Education
Exhibit how media arts integration supports more effective, interdisciplinary, research-based approaches to learning, as well as systemic educational advances to become more student-centered and directed, engaging, flexible and equitable.
Examples: 1 Student-led social media campaign for health, well-being and media literacy; 2 Math-intensive 3D architectural redesign of local communities using principles of sustainability; 3 Social studies augmented reality game about their neighborhood’s history and resources-Interactive; 4 - 3D animated models of scientific concepts - e.g. cell division
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Other Resources / Information
- Understanding of media arts as an integrative educational subject with diverse, powerful and accessible tools for enhancing all learning and creating
- Specific examples of lessons and projects that can be easily implemented and adapted to the variety of topics, courses, grade levels and circumstances
- Understanding of how media arts functions as a multimodal, interconnective, adaptable hub that supports pedagogic and systemic educational advances
- Dain Olsen, President & CEO, National Association for Media Arts Education
Dain Olsen, President & CEO, National Association for Media Arts Education
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