Rethinking Student Personas in Postsecondary Education


Within education, design thinking has become more popular in recent years. A typical output of the design thinking process is personas, a type of end user profile, and are intended as a tool that makes it easier for edtech developers, institutions, and funders to keep these end users in mind. However they can be reductive, static, and devolve into stereotype. In order to account for the richness and diversity of student experiences, Optimistic Design has developed a student persona toolkit that acts as a starting point for understanding the student experience in nuanced ways.

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  1. We will share what makes a good student persona, and how to create them with diverse stakeholders.
  2. The audience will learn about how personas can fit into your development, decision-making, and funding strategies.
  3. We’ll share the importance of an equity centered design approach and how this can help you design for better student experiences.



Sheryl Cababa, Chief Strategy Officer, Optimistic Design

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