SXSW 2025

Are We Better Off in a World Without Cows?


There are 1.5 billion cows in the world — one cow for every five people on this planet. Cows are a significant source of nutrition for people all over the world — and the single largest agricultural source of methane. From news stories to oat beverage commercials, some seem to think we no longer need cows. But what would happen if we removed them? Our expert panel will discuss the cultural and economic significance of cows, their role in nourishing the world, and their impact on the environment, as they attempt to answer a simple question, “Are we better off in a world without cows?”

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  1. Millions of people rely on cattle for their livelihoods and as their primary source of protein and other nutrients, especially in developing countries
  2. Because of efficiency improvements, we can produce more meat and milk with fewer animals, but these technologies need to be adapted for global use
  3. With animals grazing on the land, agriculture has the ability to sequester its own carbon emissions and the emissions of other industries, too



Lorie Hailey, Director of Communications, Alltech

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Climate & Sustainability
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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