What Being a Magician Taught Me About Education


Step into the unknown and challenge your own understanding of education. This session begins with an interactive experience in which the seemingly impossible becomes possible. As a professional magician, I have traveled with Magicians Without Borders, teaching magic to those who live in some of the most worn-torn, and impoverished parts of the world. In this talk, I share the valuable lessons that I learned as a professional magician turned teacher, and how it parallels the field of education.

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  1. Reframe your thinking to seek curiosity and wonder; start thinking like a student and not like a teacher.
  2. Learn and apply techniques to alter or change how your lesson or Edtech products can better engage students.
  3. Explore how thinking like a magician challenges the assumptions of what Edtech and curriculum are often about.



Michael Muldoon, Teacher, NYC Department of Education

Meta Information:

  • Tags: creativity, edtech
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Arts & Storytelling
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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