SXSW 2021

Rising Coastlines, Surging Threats


Sea-level rise is already impacting coastlines around the world, from island nations preparing for potential relocation to low-lying communities experiencing damaging coastal flooding that is threatening infrastructure. Scientists are working to predict storm surge events and understand future sea-level rise scenarios, while cities, countries and leaders face difficult and costly decisions about adaptation, retreat, and armoring the coastline. This panel will discuss the challenges communities are facing, adaptation strategies, and how science can inform action.

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  1. Learn where and in what ways sea-level rise is already impacting coastal communities and island nations.
  2. Review the complex decisions that coastal cities and island nations are facing.
  3. This panel will also address the latest state of the science for future sea-level rise and how scientists hope this data inspires climate action.



Lauren Fimbres Wood, Director of Strategic Communications, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego

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