SXSW 2021

The Case for Creating a Better Industry


The cannabis industry has become a multi billion dollar powerhouse with economic, climate, and social justice implications like no other. The success of the market is dependent upon many sectors of business, government, science, technology and non- profits. If regulated with sustainability and equity as cornerstones, cannabis could save the economy and the true American dream.

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  1. How sectors such as government, business, science and non profits must help shape the market to uplift all communities and fuel economic growth.
  2. How the legal cannabis market is truly affecting black and brown communities, the ones targeted during its prohibition.
  3. How the massive cannabis sector growth can reverse negative contributions to climate change crisis.


  • Jesce Horton, Founder, LOWD


Jesce Horton, Founder, Lowd

Meta Information:

  • Tags: Cannabusiness
  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: A New Urgency
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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