SXSW 2021

Cannabis Utopia: What Regulatory Model is Best?


How can state lawmakers legalize cannabis for recreational use in a way that makes sense for everyone involved? The first states to legalize are laboratories of ideas, generating regulatory models that could serve as templates for other states and even future U.S. federal policy.

Public health, consumer safety, business friendliness, social equity, competitive pricing, taxation, and environmental protection are just some of the factors at play. Should states follow a template for tobacco and alcohol, or is cannabis completely different? What advertising and promotion laws should be in place? Has any state or country gotten this right? We’ll have an open discussion and white boarding session to drive toward a model that we can all get behind.

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  1. The questions state regulators should consider when legalizing cannabis within their states.
  2. What has and hasn’t worked in U.S. states that have legalized recreational use.
  3. Steps to avoid unnecessary bureaucracy, costs, and delays for cannabis companies.



Jodi Holzband, Ceo, Classic Bart

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