Feeding the Machine: AI Needs Your Data to Work


Artificial Intelligence [AI] is teaching machines to learn to perform tasks humans would usually do. AI promises to make life easier for us, and many people already enjoy relying on early AI prototypes such as Amazon Alexa, Google Translate, and other types of interfaces. AI. But what does it take to teach a machine, and does that come at the cost of our privacy? Join this discussion to learn the basics of AI and how to protect your data.

Additional Supporting Materials

Other Resources / Information


  1. Explain why information is needed for deep learning and AI
  2. List ways you may be making your (or your student's) data available to AI datasets
  3. List ways to protect your data



Gina Rosenthal, Founder, Digital Sunshine Solutions

Meta Information:

  • Tags: data, artificial intelligence
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Campfire
  • Track: Policy & Civic Engagement
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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