SXSW 2020

Examples & How-To's: Innovation & AI: China & US


Three interrelated topics:
1. Large companies sometimes struggle to find ways to innovate, often due to inertia tied to cultural and organizational pitfalls. In the fast moving AI-driven world, the dangers of these obstacles are exacerbated. From our experience in M&A, VC, startups, and corporate innovation labs, we'll share operating models/best practices that help corporates find new innovation fuel.
2. We'll talk about the latest developments in AI (in non-tech-speak), with a focus on sharing uses cases and products using AI. We demystify the idea that AI is "too hard" and "not reliable enough", and we'll talk about tools companies can adopt today to add AI into their portfolios
3. We'll share stories of AI in China vs US to get to the question of how they're similar and different

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Other Resources / Information


  1. What are the obstacles to innovation in large companies, and what are operating models and best practices to overcome them?
  2. What are the latest developments in AI? How can companies (especially those outside tech) incorporate AI into their products TODAY?
  3. Who's ahead in AI in China vs. US - and does it matter?



Kevin Lau, Director - Innovation Lab, Tencent

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry & Enterprise
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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