SXSW 2020

How a VC Model Helps Government Spin in Innovation


Historically, government has fostered technological leaps, from space flight to GPS to vaccines. But today, government access to cutting-edge technologies often involves tapping into advances made by outside players—engineering a “reverse tech transfer.” And it’s not easy: traditional approaches typically fail to attract commercial innovators.

In a similar effort to keep pace with startups’ agility and speed, many large corporations have created functions and investment strategies to engage external innovators, a "corporate venture capital" model - which offers a blueprint government can adapt to "spin in" commercial innovation.

This session explores what government can learn from venture capital - the strategies and playbook to bridge the innovation ecosystem.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Why is emerging tech increasingly critical for public sector innovation? Why should commercial innovators consider government use cases?
  2. How can corporate investment models (portfolios, accelerators, JVs, open innovation) be used to create "win-win" partnerships around emerging tech?
  3. What new practices should government leaders adapt from the "VC playbook" to tap into relevant external innovation? (And how can startups engage?)



Max Meyers, Manager, Deloitte Consulting

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Government & Politics
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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