SXSW 2020

Designing Data For Emotional Experiences


Data can inform, it can drive optimization, but can it have an emotional impact?

As a designer who works with architecture, branding, and digital installations, Mary Franck will go through the process of using a company’s own data to tell human-centered stories on epic canvases for companies like eBay and PNC Bank.

The secret to using digital content to engage and inspire lies in the way stories are extracted from the numbers, focusing on the emotions not the information, and bringing some mystery back into a world dominated by sleek data viz interfaces.

This talk will highlight how data visualization can be utilized in immersive environments, outline how to translate spreadsheets into emotional experiences, and show how technology is secondary to story.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Imagine Data In A New Way: How can you use data to tell emotional, not quantitative, stories?
  2. Design With Data: How do you conceptualize data as another design element, to open up new opportunities for connection?
  3. Finding The Story In The Numbers: All data tells a story. How do you parse out the important stories from the mundane records?


  • Mary Franck, Senior Interaction Designer, ESI Design


Tarley Jordan, Director, Marketing & Communications, ESI Design

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Design
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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