Books 2.0: Why Reading Needs to Go Digital


How can we help children learn to love to read? Using Eye Tracking and sensors I helped invent at the MIT Media Lab, I research why struggling children at the Boys and Girls Club keep disengaging with reading. Children want reading to feel more like math: questions and challenges keep them thinking and immersed throughout the book, not just at the end. Books should be infused with interactive ways to reflect, enabling deep reading. We'll have prototypes you can try out and bring back home!

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  1. Understand the neuroscience behind why struggling readers disengage from reading and what they need to stay focused.
  2. Understand the importance of questions and feedback. Know why math naturally does this and reading falters.
  3. Understand why the future classroom will be using digital story and text books to enable deeper reading and critical thought.


  • Elliott Hedman, Experience Designer, mPath


Elliott Hedman, Experience Designer, mPath

Meta Information:

  • Tags: design thinking, edtech
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Future20
  • Track: Emerging Tech & Development
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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