SXSW 2020

AAF Members: Meet Up, Fill Up, Rev Up


The American Advertising Federation has over 40,000 members throughout the United States. For SXSW 2020, in a world where telecommuting is the new normal and where digital relationships reign supreme, we want to slow it down (only slightly, this is SXSW, afterall, and there is much to see and do) and invite members from AAF chapters all across the nation to come to town and learn from local AAF Austin members about the locally loved places to patronize while they’re here. We want to connect with colleagues that we’ve emailed (or Slacked, or @’d) a million times but have never met in person. We want to share our plans for SXSW with others in AAF and create a group of friendly faces to see time and again while we’re here this week, and perhaps even throughout the rest of the year.

Other Resources / Information


  1. Get the inside scoop for local fare and fun while you’re here.
  2. Engage with American Advertising Federation members from all over the US.


  • Patricia Buchholtz, Partner, lookthinkmake
  • Sarah Mayer, Director of Development & Accounts, VGCA


Patricia Buchholtz, Partner, lookthinkmake

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Meet Up
  • Track: Advertising & Brand Experience
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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