Exploring the K-12 Education to Employment Pathway


How can we prepare students in urban centers for a changing workforce? Schools That Can Pittsburgh, a chapter of the largest cross-sector network of urban schools, is reimagining a vibrant K - 12 education to employment (e2e) pathway. This session explores how STC Pittsburgh’s programs are helping 2,000+ students prepare for careers in high demand jobs, via a K-12 pathway that promotes digital learning and computational thinking in K-8 and leads to specific career pathways programs in 9-12.

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  1. Educators will understand how programming across K-12 grades supports a vibrant e2e pathway.
  2. Leaders will know how to engage with industry & community partnerships, and support education to employment models in a diverse network of schools.
  3. Educators will hear from leaders how education to employment programming connects to 21st century learning & job preparation starting as young as K-8.



Casey Lamb, COO, Schools That Can

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