SXSW 2020

LHFD: Low Hanging Fruit Design


Enterprises need to get back to basics to stand out from the crowd.

In such a complex world, corporations more than ever aspirer to be more disruptive and achieve better results. But why is this the trend if there is so much "hidden money" to be gained through daily customer experience?
The fact is that the bigger companies become, the less they are able to make basic things work to deliver real value for clients, thus, they don’t access their full potential of client satisfaction.
With all of the hype around innovation and working within complex business scenarios, making the basics work is what sets you apart from the crowd.

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  1. Put people first: Imagine yourself in user situation. Simple like that. Probably you would like effective things to solve your basic needs.
  2. People perceive value by the sum of all parts. Doesn`t matter how cool it is your product or your brand if not all the brand touch
  3. Delivering matters: People are overwhelming with so much news. They value things that are really useful and that really works.



Carlota Braga, Head Of Communications, Questtonó

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Design
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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