SXSW 2020

Why Suburbia Doesn't Need to Suck


Our traditional live/work/shop/play landscape has changed forever. But sadly our suburbs haven’t adapted. They are often little more than soulless dormitories that empty out when residents are forced to drive to the action. But it doesn’t have to be this way; the suburbs simply need to be reconsidered. Andrew Hoyne’s passion for the power of place has lead him to travel the world to understand what makes a successful community. The result is a blueprint for reframing and repositioning our suburbs so they are more enticing and liveable. Using a series of ground-breaking case studies, Andrew will explain how the blueprint can be used to combat the many downsides of suburbia and understand the qualities needed to create socially and economically successful suburbs where people want to be.

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  1. How to set up a strategic vision & use collaboration to innovate & therefore deliver greater benefits to individuals, communities & businesses.
  2. The information presented provides a blueprint for those wishing to see high quality placemaking in suburbia action.
  3. How design, development, community consultation & industrial & economic future-proofing must interweave to deliver social & economic opportunities.



Andrew Hoyne, Principal, HOYNE

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Connection & Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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