Powering STEAM Through Interactive XR Edutainment
An interactive, hybrid panel-demonstration on next-level learning experiences. Presenters from an innovative partnership of unique disciplines show how creating story-based, animated and augmented reality avatars can engage active learning across multilingual transmedia. The session will explore how to shape technology, content creation, and curriculum, into edutainment that engages students in the digital realm and beyond in immersive hands-on experiences.
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- Inspire, educate and succeed. Find multifaceted partners in education, content creation and brands, to align goals into a viable educational product.
- Being Story Architects for Super-STEAM. Designing or adapting curriculum for crafted transmedia content that nourishes educational growth.
- The power of technology, for good. Utilizing the inherent backend features of new media/mixed reality technology to create a case-study on steroids.
- Krissa Watry, Founder, CEO, Dynepic, Inc.
- Dr. José Morey, Chief Innovation Officer, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
- Bryan Debates, Vice President-Education, Space Foundation
- Michael Hemschoot, Founder, CEO , Worker Studio
Jason Cangialosi, Partner, Coo, Worker Studio
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