SXSW 2020

Optimizing carbon-cost through climate leadership


1 Parametric Design from the Carbon & Cost Perspective
Live demo of parametric design enhanced with a machine learning engine for optimizing geometry of structural components with the purpose to minimize carbon footprint and costs.

2 Value-Driven BIM for Carbon-Cost Optimization
Introduce a problem: leading CAD and BIM tools lack features for value-driven visualizations.
Demonstrate the nudging potential of our value-driven BIM models for visualizing embedded carbon to instinctively extend engineers’ zone of responsibility to carbon-cost optimize their solution on their own.

3 Climate Leadership at Sweco
Present Sweco’s transition to carbon neutrality, and integration of Sustainable Development Goals with our internal guidelines and performance in customers’ projects.

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  1. The least climate intensive design can also be the cheapest, but it doesn’t work the other way around.
  2. A design team intuitively understands the environmentally problematic components when UX-aware and value-driven visualizations are applied.
  3. Clients in AEC appreciate a high sustainability hygiene, however new recruits demand it. Walk the Talk becomes a part of must-have business ethics.


  • David Jirout, Solution Architect within BIM and Digitalization, and Sustainability Coordinator at Sweco, Sweco


Elina Smidlund, Communication Business Partner, Sweco Sverige AB

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Design
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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