SXSW 2020

Stop Searching For Your Passion (Do this instead)


The cultural imperative to “follow your passion” sounds like a good idea, right? Turns out, it’s lousy advice. The notion that you need to be 100% clear on your passion before you: find a job, build a career, start your life, is not inspiring; it’s stultifying. In one of the most viewed TEDx talks with more than 5 million views, “Stop Searching For Your Passion,” Terri Trespicio took to task this ubiquitous advice. Drawing on the worlds of leadership, entrepreneurship, art, and comedy, Terri picks up where the talk leaves off, and shows you how to go from wild goose chase for your passion to life and work that matter.

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  1. Why the search for your passion as the only way to live a full and meaningful life is a flat-out myth that hinders more than helps.
  2. The difference between passion and purpose—and how to bridge that gap as both a professional and as a leader.
  3. The role that art and creativity play in your work, regardless of industry, and how our culture of criticism can erode this effort.



Terri Trespicio, Speaker, Writer, Brand Advisor, Terri Trespicio, LLC

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Workplace
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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