SXSW 2020

It's Blockchain, Bitches


We can thank the crypto hype for creating more awareness and understanding of blockchain - not just among investors or financiers but for enterprises as well. No longer viewed as an abstract technology supporting cryptocurrencies, the perception and application of blockchain technology is rapidly advancing. Maryanne Morrow, founder of same-day Forex trading and settlement tech company 9th Gear dives deep into the power of blockchain technology within the enterprise, shares insider secrets into ways blockchain is changing business and provides solid recommendations for how it can add the most value to your business. If you’re not clear on how blockchain can benefit your business, this is the session for you to discover why it is the ultimate game changer.

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  1. Understand the use of public vs private blockchains and how enterprises are coming to a consensus using different protocols.
  2. Is digital transformation even possible? Why are some companies dipping their toes, while others dive head first, and which approach is right?
  3. Why the crypto bubble was the catalyst for enterprise blockchain adoption, and how blockchain will tie vision and philosophy to real-world use cases.



Carla Richardson, Senior Account Executive, 9th Gear Technologies

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Tech Industry & Enterprise
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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