Physical Education as a Strategy for Inclusion


According to the United Nations, every student with a disability should have access to education in inclusive schools. This represents a significant challenge to teachers, schools principals and policy makers from all regions of the world. We believe that physical education, a discipline with a history of exclusion, may actually be a mean to promote the participation and learning of those students when the teachers change the strategies of their classes, assuming inclusion as a priority.

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  1. To demonstrate that the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream schools is possible and is already happening worldwide.
  2. To explore physical education as a powerful tool to promote the participation and the learning of students with disabilities in mainstream schools.
  3. To offer practical examples of how to implement the concept of inclusive education in different types of schools through teacher training programs.



Lailla Micas, Coordinator, Rodrigo Mendes Institute

Meta Information:

  • Tags: special education, diversity
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Future20
  • Track: Accessibility & Inclusion
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Field Experience

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