SXSW 2020

Non-Profit's Content and Blockchain Solutions


The session will show how to merge two seemingly disparate areas - non-profit organizations and working blockchain technologies - to the benefit of both. Non-profits are in constant need of more members and funding. Blockchain solutions are in need of users, to use working solutions and to validate others.

Non-profits face challenges that can be met with existing blockchain technologies:
Small marketing budgets but a constant need to increase membership, visitors and attention.
A perception / reality of being “low tech” which impacts all visitors but especially “tech-savvy” visitors.
The struggle of whether a non-profit should monetize their content.

The session will go into further detail on:
Compensation for Content
Proof of Content Creation
Content Curation and Reputation

Other Resources / Information


  1. There are blockchain solutions that have progressed to a level of maturity that non-profits with limited technical resources can implement them.
  2. Non-profit organizations represent an untapped and needy user base that blockchain technologies should pursue.
  3. Many of the goals and philosophies of blockchain technology developers and non-profit organizations are aligned.



Larry Ketchersid, CEO, Media Sourcery Inc

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry & Enterprise
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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