SXSW 2020

More Money, Worse Health. Why?


Life expectancy. Infant mortality. Obesity. Chronic disease. Health equity & affordability. Access to primary care. What do these health measures have in common? The U.S. ranks worse than other developed nations across ALL these categories. With a staggering $3.65 trillion price tag, we have the most expensive health system in the world, but people aren't getting healthier. Our situation is unsustainable, and while everyone is talking about how to reform the health system, not enough people are talking about how to improve health. This panel will examine the work change agents focused on health care are doing to shift the system to reallocate spending to address the root causes of health problems, and how doing so can ultimately improve outcomes, reduce costs, and strengthen communities.

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  1. Americans spend the most on health care, yet we have some of the worst outcomes. We can reduce costs by addressing root causes of health issues.
  2. As health care dominates the 2020 conversation, everyone is talking about reforming our system. We should be talking about how to improve health.
  3. Health starts before a doctor's office. By shifting our system to address root causes of problems, we can reduce spending & change lives.



Kelly Ogburn, Sr Assoc, Hamilton Place Strategies

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Health & MedTech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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