SXSW 2020

Under the Hood: How Cities are Using Tech


Tech savvy. Innovative. Efficient. In the past, these words weren’t associated with city government. Fast-forward to today, and cities are on the frontline of leveraging technology to address urban challenges at scale. Bloomberg Associates mapped and interviewed the world’s 30 leading digital cities in “Digital City Tools 2020” to understand how cities are using proven and new technologies in innovative ways to tackle urban challenges. Using a rich mix of official and open data, and anecdotal experience from city tech leaders, “Digital City Tools 2020” dives deep into themes that are essential to the success of leading digital cities today. This panel will feature digital leaders from major city governments for a candid conversation about breakthrough technologies for cities.

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  1. City governments are reimagining their use of technology with a goal of becoming more proactive and user-driven.
  2. Access to talent and investment continue to hinder progress in city governments across the globe. Effective city leaders must do more with less.
  3. As technology reshapes cities, we risk widening inequality between cities. We can mitigate that risk through knowledge sharing and partnerships.



Erin Gordon, Manager, Client Experience, The Current Global

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Fantastic Future
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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