SXSW 2019

Authentic Inclusion™ Drives Disruptive Innovation


Authentic Inclusion™, an idea originated by Frances West, former IBM Chief Accessibility Officer, is defined as the institutional insight that human diversity is at the core of disruptive innovation. It calls for holistic actions across an institution to respect an individual's ability to make a difference despite being different. Frances describes how her personal and professional journey led her to this thinking and work. The book addresses the diversity issues and proposes new ways that business leaders can think about inclusion as human first. A human first mindset is critical as the tech industry grapples with human impact technologies such as of AI. By focusing on human first and Authentic Inclusion™, institutions can bring principles, purpose and profit into harmonious alignment.

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  1. Diversity is core for disruptive innovation. Institutionalizing inclusion as a strategic imperative is essential for any organization to be relevant.
  2. Inclusion is more than a talent, cultural or attitude discussion. It also has to be about technology as it underpins everything we do.
  3. Digital inclusion is not about "them", its about "all of us" as all human will age, as a result, will acquire disability therefore need accessibility.



Frances West, Founder, FrancesWestCo

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Book Reading
  • Track: Tech Industry & Enterprise
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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