SXSW 2019

Why Be Independent?


With 37.23% of the US market share, the independent sector holds its largest market share in decades. The gatekeepers that once stood in the way of independent labels and artists are no longer a barrier to entry. With artist-friendly deals, creative control, advances in technology/data, and a multitude of digital platforms and services willing to distribute independent music, independent labels and their artists are thriving.

In this discussion, A2IM (The American Association of Independent Music) and some of its members will take an expansive look at the independent sector and discuss why and how it's more viable than ever to stay independent.

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  1. Industry personnel and artists will have a very clear picture of how the independent label sector is thriving today.
  2. Attendees will have a better understanding of how labels and artists are navigating a saturated digital marketplace and utilizing new tech to do so.
  3. We'll highlight what's next for the independent sector as our industry is in the midst of a crucial copyright reform.


  • Patrick Ferrell, Director, Member Services, A2IM
  • Richard Burgess, CEO, A2IM
  • Jim Mahoney, General Manager, US, Merlin


Patrick Ferrell, Direcotr, Membe Services, A2IM

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Music Industry & Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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