Educolor: The Movement for Collective Liberation


Educolor founder (Jose Vilson) will host a discussion and Q and A session with Educolor members Cornelius Minor (teacher/teacher educator), Lorena German (teacher/curriculum designer), and Julia E. Torres (teacher/literacy researcher-developer) about the current state, and envisioned future of educational activism including but not limited to: educational equity, student agency, and pedagogical practices in teaching that disrupt the established status quo.

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  1. Identify individual and organizational--community centered ways to serve as accomplices and champions for students, parents, and educators of color.
  2. Examine and evaluate (historic and present day) systemic inequities that have lead to and perpetuate inequitable learning environments and outcomes.
  3. Interrogate current practices and policies perpetuating oppressive educational practices in order to disrupt, re-think, and re-create at all levels.



Julia E. Torres, Teacher/Librarian, Denver Public Schools

Meta Information:

  • Tags: social justice, school design
  • Event: SXSW EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: K-12 Education
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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