SXSW 2019

Not Your Father's Cyborgs: Mobile Tech Evolved Us


People “disconnect,” “tune-in,” “recharge,” “link-up,” and “go on auto-pilot.” They use devices to access their digital selves, an elusive identity both separate and indistinguishable from their real selves. And not only are humans becoming more machine-like, but technology is expected to be more and more human-like.

We will explore the history of how mobile technology and social media have evolved human culture and identity, as well as the implications for how brands look, feel, and sound in a world where the line between human and cyborg has never been more blurred.

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  1. Cyborgs are no longer sci-fi. We have evolved into a species whose identity is significantly digital without even noticing it.
  2. Not only are humans becoming more machine-like, but we expect technology to be more human-like—the lines between human and tech are being blurred.
  3. Brands must adapt how they look, feel, and sound, and where they communicate, to connect with an audience that is far different than any before it.



Lucas Weaver, Digital Content Specialist, Preston Kelly

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Dual
  • Track: Brands & Marketing
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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