SXSW 2019

Make Your Own Damn Movie/Web Series/VR Experience!


Whether you’re a filmmaker, a youtube creator, or a virtual realty storyteller, if you’ve got a story to tell, you don’t need to wait for the green light from some studio executive with outdated taste. Now is the time to Make Your Own Damn Movie! Join a rousing conversation with legendary indie filmmakers and the platforms that enable their work. We will explore how you can take power into your own hands to complete your projects. You’ll learn when and why to collaborate with the studios or larger players in the industry. Panelists include indie film pioneer, Lloyd Kaufman of Troma Entertainment, two time SXSW audience choice award-winner, Trent Haaga Director of 68 Kill, Editor of NoFilmSchool Liz Nord, and Cofounder of KitSplit Camera Rentals Community, Lisbeth Kaufman.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. How you can take power into your own hands to complete your projects.
  2. When and why to collaborate with the studios or larger players in the industry.
  3. Resources available for independent filmmakers and creators.



Lisbeth Kaufman, CEO, KITSPLIT

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Making Film & Episodics
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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