SXSW 2019

Umami Anywhere: Galaxy of Sake X Umami Soup Stock


This session takes you to the great journey of the food galaxy. We are still lost in food galaxy since we are just eating 0.00000001% of combination of combination of flavor compounds in ingredients in daily life. Like IBM’s Chef Watson, How AI will help our journey in food galaxy? What is “Computational Creativity”? In this session, we will present Japanese Sake recommendation system from the Ten Novels and Their Authors and outliers using AI.
Also We will show you the food prototyping laboratory called "UMAMI Lab". It serves "dashi" soup stock by extracting the umami flavor and extracts umami using an original process inspired by how coffee is brewed. The entirety of the lab can be packed into one suitcase. We travel anywhere, creating new flavors by mixing local products, etc.

Additional Supporting Materials


  1. Audience can get an idea of "Computational Creativity" by AI to explore food galaxy.
  2. What if we cut, paste and remix the food and Japanese Sake using gastronomic approach.
  3. UMAMI Lab holds the key to new ways of approaching design in multicultural and collaborative settings.



Jutaro Mochizuki, Creative Director, Hakuhodo i-studio

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Dual
  • Track: Food
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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