SXSW 2019

What the F- is Wrong with My Teenager?


Remember when you were a teenager and your parents just didn’t understand you? Have the tables turned and your teenage kids make absolutely no f-ing sense to you? There’s no doubt that the adolescent brain is complicated, but what exactly is behind the mood swings and crazy behavior? In this talk we’ll hear from experts who will attempt to unpack some of the brain chemistry behind the growing teen brain. We’ll also hear from Hopelab lead, Caroline FitzGerald who’s working on a project to help reduce loneliness on college campuses. Glen Coppersmith, Ph.D. will help unpack how we can understand mental health data and even predict suicide risk by understanding language usage.

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  1. Loneliness is a growing problem on college campuses. Hopelab lead, Caroline FitzGerald will focus on project work trying to reduce the epidemic.
  2. Can we understand mental health data, even predict suicide risk by understanding language usage on social media? Glen Coppersmith Ph.D. will unpack it
  3. The adolescent brain is complicated - want to understand it better? This talk is for you - we'll look at the brain chemistry behind those mood swings.


  • Caroline FitzGerald, Project Lead , Hopelab
  • Glen Coppersmith Ph.D., CEO, Qntfy
  • Nick Allen Ph.D., Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Oregon, and the Director of the Center for Digital Mental Health , University of Oregon


Robin Russell Raskob, Sr Mgr, Mktg & Communications , HopeLab Foundation

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Health & Medtech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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