SXSW 2019

Coding with Python & Network Programmability 101


Welcome beginners! This workshop covers the fundamentals of coding with Python along with Network Programmability & Collaboration technologies. Each module has labs with a detailed explanation of the technology along with steps showing how to get started.

Python Fundamentals
- Intro to Git and Python
- Parsing JSON with Python

REST APIs Fundamentals
- REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. An API is an Application Programming Interface. Together, these two terms signify a way for applications to talk to each other.
- Learn how to use the Postman REST Client to make API calls.

Network Programmability
- Learn the basics of networking including the function and use of hubs, switches & routers along with how software-defined networks (SDN) is changing how they function.

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  1. Use Git to download our sample-code on your workstation, create a "safe place" for you to make and commit your changes.
  2. Learn Python’s basic data types and how to define variables. Create functions that modularize your code and make it easier to scale, maintain & reuse.
  3. Learn the standard verbs for REST APIs. Understand JSON and XML Payloads.


  • Julio Fernandez, Developer Outreach, Cisco
  • Anne Gentle, Developer Experience Engineer, Cisco


Julio Fernandez, Developer Outreach, Cisco

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Coding & Development
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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