SXSW 2019

Better Cranberries Through Deep Learning


What do cranberry growers, bugs, deep learning and a mid-western creative agency have in common? A lot more than it may look like on the surface.

We think of AI as a tool for cutting-edge businesses. But what can AI and deep learning offer the age-old businesses like farming? And what's standing in our way from applying these new approaches?

By placing an equal emphasis on emerging technology as we do on the business needs that deep learning can help solve, we are discovering that the obstacles that stand in the way of solving hard technical problems are easier to overcome. Seeing a problem as AI-worthy gets you halfway there. Trying to solve it just may take you home.

Join me to learn what happens when we apply an experimental sense of “why not?" to real-world problems.

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  1. Grow Your Own Idea. Don’t wait for developers, because you’re already behind Google. Look for champions within business to help move your idea forward
  2. Follow Your Storytelling Roadmap. When communicating your project roadmap, turn the complex not complex through storytelling and education.
  3. Accuracy and Usability. They’re important, but don’t get hung up on them. Finding the sweet spot can move your idea into an actual product.



Joy Allen, account executive, Mister Sweat

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Brands & Marketing
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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