SXSW 2019

Accessible or SUX, It's Your Choice!


You made a thing. A digital thing! That's great. But, is it accessible to all? People with disabilities are shut out of our apps, services, and sites on a daily basis. Often, as UX teams building awesome digital things, we don't realize that our users' experience is only some users' experience and that SUX. This session will highlight accessibility user stories and use cases to first enlighten, and then inform us what we can do to ensure our work is inclusive to all. Robert will dive into common accessibility pitfalls via real-world examples and help attendees understand both broad concepts and specific tasks that each person can put into practice immediately.

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  1. Understand the diversity of our audiences and how our work can either include or exclude people with disabilities.
  2. Uncover real-world apps and services which we use every day that have serious accessibility problems which spread further every time we reuse them.
  3. Learn practical ways to be a part of the accessibility solution rather than contributing to inaccessible code that makes experiences suck for people.



Robert Jolly, Technology Director, Knowbility, Inc.

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Coding & Development
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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