The Story of How Failure Made Us More Successful


Making mistakes is an inevitable part of achieving success in our field. Luckily, we have opportunities to learn from each other to avoid repeating the same mistakes. In this session, we hear from a bold public charter organization leader who will share the hard lessons she’s had to learn. We will listen to her open and honest account of what happened and what we can take away from it as we forge ahead in the path to achieving equity across public education.

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  1. Hear a story of failure from a successful public charter school leader, as well as what she learned and why it matters.
  2. Witness what it means to be a vulnerable leader and demonstrate the importance of continuous learning.
  3. Challenge others to reflect on their mistakes or setbacks and apply lessons learned in tangible ways to their work going forward.



Sean Thibault, Communications Director, Green Dot Public Schools

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