Project Good: A Toolkit for World Changing
Often, service learning is well intentioned but devolves to students counting volunteer hours to complete an assignment. It lacks student agency, ownership and passion. But what if it was different? What would it look like to have a service program that inspired students to learn, serve, create, and develop a toolkit to make ripples of good in the world? What would it look like if students didn’t get on the bus, but instead got in the driver’s seat of their experience?
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- Discover how student ownership of experiential service creates authentic opportunities to develop a toolkit to disrupt for good.
- Learn how students gain critical 21st century skills like project management, communication, collaboration, empathy, and leadership through service.
- Learn how design thinking is a powerful community building tool when applied to service.
- Ruby Berliner, Student Board Member, One Stone
- Jackson McEwan, Chair of the Board of Directors, One Stone
Ruby Berliner, One Stone Board Member, One Stone
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