SXSW 2019

What auto brands can learn from airline brands?


The auto industry and the way people commute is being disrupted at every turn - think ridesharing, electrification and autonomous cars. The traditional idea of “moving metal” based on the power of the auto brand is quickly dying. Similar to the airline industry there is a shift towards fit-for-purpose models where consumers make decisions based on price, time and convenience, rather than the badge of the hardware. How can auto brands adjust their business model to survive? Our panelists will discuss the future of OEMs and draw parallels to the airline industry.

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  1. The transformation in the auto/mobility ecosystem will look very similar to the airline industry and its players.
  2. Similar to booking flights, consumers won't book a flight based on hardware (i.e. Airbus, Boeing) but on the right fit-for-purpose (i.e. price, time).
  3. Based on the new ecosystem, traditional auto brands are clearly positioning themselves and make bets on software (B2C) or hardware (B2B).



Paul Miser, CEO & Co-Founder, Chinatown Bureau

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry & Enterprise
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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