SXSW 2019

The US Government: Driving Innovation


Seventy percent of the iPhone’s components are derived from federally funded research. The page-ranking algorithm that became the basis for Google was created by federally funded scientists. The government’s science- and medical-based agencies have always been risk-takers, investing in early stage, cutting-edge research that ultimately shapes markets, delivers new technologies and launches new industries. The government also seeds innovation directly by investing in U.S.-based startups developing groundbreaking technologies and converting scientific discoveries into products and services. Panelists will discuss how the nation's system could work better to spur innovation and some of the exciting, new frontier areas federal agencies like NSF, NIH and DARPA are already investing in.

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  1. The government plays a pivotal role in American innovation and lays the foundation upon which many of today's companies and industries are built.
  2. The government and taxpayers are American innovation's partners as they support the science and engineering research that transforms the world.
  3. Many U.S. science-based agencies are investing in new frontiers and startups to keep America ahead of the curve.



Kathleen Garrigan, Science writer, National Science Foundation

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Cities, Government & Politics
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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